
Composite Veneers - all restorative techniques [David Gestakovski, Arthur Volker]

Цена: 1490 РУБ
Организатор: Bercer
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Composite Veneers - all restorative techniques [David Gestakovski, Arthur Volker]

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Курс на английском языке!

Build your very own restorative approach of composite veneers, having studied the most demanded techniques in modern aesthetic dentistry in this course.

First of all, patients evaluate the aesthetic result. This is exactly the course that will increase the patient's appreciation of your work!

Lesson 1. Color in aesthetics_the science and beauty behind direct composite veneer restorations
Lesson 2. Single composite veneer_corrections of shape and color
Lesson 3. The flow injection technique
Lesson 4. Monochromatic and polychromatic layering techniques. From material selection
Lesson 5. Free-hand technique
Lesson 6. Matrixing strategies_simplifying composite veneer restorations
Lesson 7. Modern anterior composite veneer techniques
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