
[Daily Code Buffer] Microservices with Spring Boot

Цена: 50 РУБ
Организатор: Robot
Список участников складчины:
  • 1. alex29052022
  • #1

[Daily Code Buffer] Microservices with Spring Boot

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About the course

Do you want to Learn to Build an Amazing REST API with Spring Boot? Do you want to learn what the Hype about Microservices is all about? Do you want to Build Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud? Do you want to Build Containers with Docker? Do you want to orchestrate Microservices with Kubernetes? Look no further!

What is microservices architecture and how it is different from monolithic and SOA architectures
How to build production ready microservices using Spring, SpringBoot and Spring Cloud
Configuration management in microservices using Spring Cloud Config Server
Service Discovery and Registration pattern inside microservices and how to implement using Spring Eureka server
Building resilient microservices using RESILIENCE4J framework
Handling Cross cutting concerns and routing inside microservices using Spring Cloud Gateway
Implementing Distributed tracing & Log aggregation in microservices using Spring Sleuth and Zipkin
Role of Docker in microservices and how to build docker images, containers
Most commonly used Docker commands
Role of Kubernetes in microservices as a container orchestration framework.
How to setup a Kubernetes cluster and deploy microservices inside it
Most commonly used Kubernetes commands
Microservices Security using OAuth2 and Okta

Программа обучения
01 Micorservices with SpringBoot - Introduction
Course Introduction

Course Repo Details
02 Introduction to Spring Boot
2. What is Spring Boot?

3. What is Dependency Injection?

4. Spring Initializr

5. Setting up IDE for Spring Boot Project

6. Creating First Hello World API

7. Spring Boot Starters Project

8. Understanding Spring Boot Magic

9. Embedded Servers

10. Exploring Spring Boot Actuator

11. Exploring Spring Boot DevTools
03 Introduction to Web Services
12. Introduction to Web Services

13. What is Web Service?

14. How Webservices work?
04 Restful Web Service with Spring boot
15. What is REST?

16. Creating a Hello World Service

17. Enhancing Hello World Service to Return an Object

18. Working with the Path Variables

19. Working with Request Params

20. Implementing POST method to Create Employee Resource

21. Implementing GET Method for Employee Resource

22. Implementing GET Method for Employee by Id

23. Implementing Exception Handling - 404 Resource Not Found

24. Implementing Generic Exception Handling for All Resources

25. Implementing DELETE Method to delete a Employee Resource

26. Content Negotiation - Implementing Support for XML and JSON

27. Implementing Data Filtering for RESTful Services

28. API Versioning
05 Spring Data JPA with Spring Boot
29. What is JPA with REST API?

30. Setting up JPA and Different Classes

31. Create Employee POST methods with JPA

32. Get Employee Data from DB with JPA

33. Delete Employee Data from DB using JPA

34. Converting H2 DB to MYSQL DB
06 Introduction to Microservices
35. All about Microservices
07 Microservices Implementation
36. Overview of Implementing Microservice Architechture

37. What is Service Registry?

38. Creating Product Service

39. Implementing Create Product API

40. Implementing Get Product API

41. Exception Handling in Product Service

42. Creating Service Registry

43. Implementing Service Registry Client in Product Service

44. Creating Order Service Application with packages and Classes

45. Creating Place Order API with Basic data saving

46. Implement Service registry Client in Order Service

47. How to handle repetitive configurations

Config Server Repo

48. Creating Config Server

49. Adding Config Client in Order and Product Service

50. Implementing ReduceQuantity API in Product Service

51. Testing reduceQuantity API

52. Feign Client Introduction

53. Calling ReduceQuantity API from placeOrder Service using Feign Client

54. Implementing ErrorDecoder to handle Exceptions

55. Adding ExceptionHandler in OrderService

56. Installing Zipkin via Docker

57. Adding Distributed Log Tracing (Zipkin and Slueth)

58. Creating Payment Service Application

59. Implementing doPayment API in Payment Service

60. Calling doPayment API with Feign Client from placeOrder

61. Implementing GetOrder Details in Order Service

62. Fetching Product data for getOrder details API

63. Fetching Payment details for getOrder detials API

64. Introduction to API Gateway

65. Implementing API Gateway Service

66. What is Circuit Breaker

67. Implementing Circuit Breaker in API gateway

68. Implementing Circuit Breaker in Order Service

69. Implementing Rate Limiter in API Gateway using Resilience 4j and Redis
08 Spring Security with Microservices
70. Intro to Spring Security

71. Okta Registration and Configuration

72. Adding Security in API Gateway

73. Implement Authenticate Login API

74. Adding Security in Order Service

75. Adding Interceptors

76. Adding Security in Product Service

77. Adding Security in Payment Service

78. Testing Spring Security

Okta Configuration
09 Unit Testing of Microservices
79. Overview of Unit Testing

80. Congifure Order Service for Testing

81. Creating Test Class for Service layer

82. Create a Test Method with Mocking

83, Test Verify and Assertions

84. Testing GetOrderDetails Failure Scenario

85. Testing PlaceOrder Success Scenario

86. Testing PlaceOrder Failure Scenario

87. Checking Coverage

88. Overview of Testing Controller

89. Creating OrderControllerTest Class

90. Adding Dependencies in Controller Test

91. Implementing Setup Methods

92. PlaceOrder Test Success Scenario

93. PlaceOrder Forbidden Scenario

94. GetOrder Success Scenario

95. GetOrder Failure Scenario
10 Docker with Microservices
96. Docker Overview

97. What is Docker?

98. What is Docker Container?

99. Install Docker

100. Docker Vs Virtual machine

Docker Repo Details

101. Main Docker Commands

102. Debugging in Docker

103. Deleting All docker Resources

104. Building Docker Images

105. Running Docker Images

106. Containerizing Config Server

107. Containerizing Cloud Gateway

108. Publishing Docker Images

109. Docker Compose Overview

110. Docker Compose File Part-1

111. Docker Compose File Part-2

112. Docker Compose Health Checks

113. Docker Maven JIB Plugin
11 Kubernetes With Microservices
114. Kubernetes Overview

115. What is Kubernetes?

116. Kubernetes Architecture

117. Kubernetes Components

118. Installing Kubernete (minikube & kubectl)

119. Kubernetes Main Commands

120. Kubernetes YAML Configuration

121. Kubernetes Namespace

122. Kubernetes Services

123. Kubernetes Ingress Service

124. Kubernetes Statefulsets

125. Kubernetes Volumes

126. Kubernetes Health Probes

127. Planning out Architecture

Kubernetes Repo

128. App Preparation

129. Service Registry Configuration

130. Config Server Configuration

131. Cloud Gateway Configuration

132. Other Microservices Configuration

133. MySQL Configuration

134. MySQL Config for other Services

135. Zipkin Configuration

136. Redis Configuration

137. Deploying Resources in K8s Cluster

138. Kubernetes as Service Registry Overivew

139. Removing Eureka Client

140. Service Related Changes

141. Building Images

142. Removing Service Registry from k8s Files

143. Deploying to K8s Cluster
12 Implementing CI/CD Pipeline
144. CI/CD Section Overview

145. What is CI/CD and High level changes

146. Converting to Mono Repo

147. Google Cloud Platform Setup

148. Creating Artifact Registry

149. Creating VM Instances

Installing Jenkins

150. Installing Jenkins

151. Enabling Network for Jenkins

152. Setting up Jenkins

153. Setting K8s Cluster and Other Jenkins settings

154. Creating Config Server JenkinsFile

155. Creating Config Server Pipeline and deployment

156. Creating Common Resources Deployment Pipeline

157. Creating CloudGateway Jenkins Pipeline

158. Creating Order, Product, and Payment Servie Jenkins Pipeline

159. Deployment in Google Kubernetes Engine

160. Adding jacoco Plugin

Installing SonarQube Commands

161. Installing Sonarqube

162. Setting Sonar with Jenkins

163. Adding Sonar Checks in Pipeline
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