
Esthetic Rehabilitation [Mauro Fradeani]

Цена: 2590 РУБ
Организатор: Arkadia
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Esthetic Rehabilitation [Mauro Fradeani]

Ссылка на картинку
Курс на английском языке!

Lesson 1. The guided treatment plan in prosthetic rehabilitation

Lesson 2. Esthetic analysis_facial analysis in prosthetic rehabilitation

Lesson 3. Esthetic analysis_dentolabial analysis in prosthetic rehabilitation

Lesson 4. Esthetic in the anterior sectors on natural teeth and implants

Lesson 5. Functional analysis in esthetic and prosthetic rehabilitation

Lesson 6. Worn dentition_erosion

Lesson 7. Worn dentition_friction

Lesson 8. Biological integration in the esthetic and functional rehabilitation

Lesson 9. Step-by-step full-mouth prosthetic rehabilitation

Lesson 10. All-ceramic restorations
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