
[James Nocode] Mastering FlutterFlow

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[James Nocode] Mastering FlutterFlow

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[James Nocode] Mastering FlutterFlow
Build apps in record time by leveraging one of the most powerful nocode builders
on the market in just one day with this highly comprehensive FlutterFlow course.
Did you know that writing a quality, intuitive and bug-free app is REALLY hard?
- It requires having an "engineer" mind to think like a computer and simulate how the app would behave…
- It requires mastering the intricacies of the certain platforms, frameworks, programming languages, etc…
- It requires willing to work through endless days and even nights hunting down hard to find bugs…
- It requires anticipating the possible load and preparing the right resources ahead of time…
- It requires becoming a "jack of all trades": being good with IT, server management, design and lots of code…
- It requires having the coveted experience of having written many apps before to know what works/doesn't…
- And, last, but not least, you can finish an app only to realize that nobody cares enough to buy it…
But there's a much easier way…
What if I told that you can easily…
- Create a useful, working and production ready prototype in record time…
- Test out and gather user feedback before committing to more features and functionality…
- Launch a professional, high quality app optimized for mobile, web and/or desktop…...
- Focus on the user experience instead of on things that your users don't care about…
- Say good-bye to endless days and nights of hunting down bugs and errors…
- Easily roll out new features and functionality in response to your users' feedback…
- Share your app development progress with other developers, users and/or stake holders…
- Never worry about having the right, scaleable infrastructure to make sure your app is always online...
Introducing: Mastering FlutterFlow - Build apps in record time without a single line of code
For years, building and launching professional apps was something that only highly trained and experienced software engineers could do.
Not only was it important to fully master the underlying programming
language, but you also needed to know the software stack, the infrastructure, IT, source control and let's not forget ways of scaling all of the above if/when your app gets traction.
In theory, anyone could learn how to do it, but the reality is that only the super technically-inclined would have not only the talent but also the patience to master all of those areas.
Not anymore. Now, all of the "techy" stuff is taken care for you. All you need is an idea and the ability to drag and drop elements. Everything else is taken care for you by one of the most powerful software building tools: FlutterFlow.
Mastering Flutterflow is a comprehensive and focused training that cuts through the BS and guides you through everything you need to know to build awesome apps without code.
Imagine being easily able to…
Build and launch any app from the comfort of your own home…
Clone any app that you want, regardless how simple or complex it is…
Build apps for clients…
Start your own software company…
Create your own consulting company…
Get a job as a nocode developer…
Learn computer science in a visual, hassle-free environment…
And much, much more…
Here’s Just a Sample of What You’ll Learn…
What is NoCode and why it's so revolutionary
Why you don't need to be technically-inclined to build an amazing app
How modern apps behave and interact with users
The three main components of any app: master this and you're 80% there
Why FlutterFlow is the best of both worlds when it comes to nocode tools
How to build any app from very simple to very complex
How to clone any of the popular apps and customize it to your liking
Спойлер: Course Contents
Introduction to NoCode
In this section, we discuss what "no code" is, why it's so revolutionary and why it'll help you be eternally happy.
01 - Introduction To NoCode
How Do Modern UI Apps Work?
In this section, we will cover how modern UI apps work and how users interact with them. Understanding this will set the solid foundation for subsequent lessons where we'll dive deeper.
02 - How Do Modern UI Apps Work?
Understanding Design Patterns
In this section, we will discuss the building blocks of modern mobile and web apps: design patterns. It's crucial to understand and internalize this early as everything following this will be based on this in one way or another.
03 - Understanding Design Patterns
Understanding FlutterFlow
In this section, we will roll our sleeves and cover FlutterFlow from inside and out. You'll learn all the functionality this powerful tool provides beginning from the very basics to the very advanced. Additionally, you'll understand when and how each of the specific features fits into the overall picture and when you should implement it.
04 - General Overview
05 - The User Interface
06 - The Logic
07 - The Storage
07B - Setting Up and Configuring Firebase with FlutterFlow
07C - Setting Up and Configuring Supabase with FlutterFlow
08 - APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
09 - Custom Functions
10 - Code Expressions
11 - Custom Actions
12 - Custom Widgets
13 - Custom Code
14 - State
15 - Data Types
16 - Backend Query vs. Generate Dynamic Children
17 - Search
18 - Action Blocks
19 - Navigation
20 - Cloud Functions
21 - Dynamic Components
Building Simple Apps
In this section, we'll put all the knowledge to practice and build a simple app that does something useful.
1 - Building A Simple App #1
2 - Building A Simple App #2
Building Complex Apps
In this section, we'll build on our knowledge and experience of building simple apps and build an array of more complex apps. Each of these apps will leverage on various capabilities of FlutterFlow to implement the app's specific functionality.
1 - Building A Complex App #1
2 - Building A Complex App #2
3 - Building A Complex App #3
4 - Building A Complex App #4
FlutterFlow Best Practices
In this section, I will share with my FlutterFlow best practices so that when you decide to build an app, you'll do it the right way instead of making typical newbie mistakes that will undoubtedly cost you time and hassle down the road.
1 - FlutterFlow Best Practices
What's Next?
So, you learned every nook and cranny of FlutterFlow, built a couple of simple and, maybe, even a few complex apps, what's next? The journey continues. In this section, we'll cover the best ways to grow as a FlutterFlow developer and become even more proficient in creating awesome apps.
1 - What's Next?
2 - Thank You
Appendix A: Resources
Training Resources
Appendix B: Supplemental Content
Supplemental course content that you may find useful.
A - Understanding the JSON Format
Here's what the training includes
- Lifetime access to all HD course videos.
- All future updates free of charge.
- Exclusive access to the Mastering Flutterflow Discord channel where you can connect with the Mastering FlutterFlow community.
- Future discounts on various products and services.
- And many more perks…
Meet Your Instructor
My name is James. I started my coding journey at the age of 12 with Visual
Basic and Pascal.
These days, I no longer code but instead rely on professional nocode tools to help me build apps without writing even a line of code.
I also currently run of the most popular NoCode channels on YouTube that teaches people how to build apps without code.
I look forward to sharing with you all my knowledge and experience.
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