
[Linkedin] Building an Ethereum Blockchain App: 7 Smart Contracts, 2021 [Michael Solomon]

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[Linkedin] Building an Ethereum Blockchain App: 7 Smart Contracts, 2021 [Michael Solomon]

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Building an Ethereum Blockchain App: 7 Smart Contracts

Have you wondered how blockchain can help you create applications that offer greater transparency, traceability, efficiency, and resilience while lowering your costs? This course, seventh in a series of eleven, goes in-depth on smart contracts. Instructor Michael Solomon reviews what smart contracts are, then takes you through some real world examples of blockchain solutions being used today. Michael goes over some supply chain challenges and how blockchain solves them in a unified way. He explains the payment system that Ethereum tokens represent. Then Michael dives into your supply chain project: what it will look like, what programming language you will use, what data types you will use, and how to define them. He briefly revisits the concept of gas and how it is calculated and used, then concludes with helpful explanations of controlling flow and handling errors.

Note: This course was created by Michael Solomon. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Business > Finance and Accounting > Cryptocurrency

Продолжительность: 1 ч. 33 мин.
Уровень навыка: Средний уровень
Дата выпуска: 11.08.21

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