
[Linkedin Learning] OWASP Top 10: #1 Broken Access Control and #2 Cryptographic Failures,2022 [Caroline Wong]

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[Linkedin Learning] OWASP Top 10: #1 Broken Access Control and #2 Cryptographic Failures,2022 [Caroline Wong]

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OWASP Top 10: #1 Broken Access Control and #2 Cryptographic Failures

No one is immune to security vulnerabilities when it comes to web applications. We all live with the looming possibility that something could go wrong in any instant. That’s why the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) was formed to provide key resources that educate the public about how to navigate risk on the web. One such resource is the OWASP Top 10, a list of the ten biggest application security vulnerabilities, which was last published in 2021.
Join application security expert Caroline Wong as she walks you through the first two vulnerabilities on the list: broken access control and cryptographic failures. Learn how each vulnerability poses a threat to you with real-life examples along the way. Discover the latest, most effective prevention techniques to keep your web applications safe and secure.

Technology > Security > Security Awareness

Продолжительность: 29 мин.
Уровень навыка: Средний уровень
Дата выпуска: 01.07.22

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