
[OpenCV] AI Courses By OpenCV [Satya Mallick, Сатья Маллик]

Цена: 495 РУБ
Организатор: Robot
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[OpenCV] AI Courses By OpenCV [Satya Mallick, Сатья Маллик]

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Официальные курсы от создателей самой популярной библиотеки для Computer Vision

Intelligent Curriculum Design
Build an intuitive understanding of the concepts through a blend of foundational, experiential, and practical learning.

Assignments & Projects
Reinforce your knowledge with assignments and in-depth projects, graded by our expert team.

Code With Explanations
Each course includes coding assignments that allow you to internalize the concepts through a hands-on learning approach.

Video-Based Instruction
Concepts and code are explained in video lectures that allow you to absorb the material at your own pace.


AI Art Generation (Everyone)
Python for Beginners
Advanced AI Art Generation
OpenCV For Beginners
Computer Vision I: Intro
Computer Vision II : Appl
Deep Learning with PyTorch
Deep Learning with TensorFlow

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  • в разделе: Программирование
  • в разделе: Программирование
  • в разделе: Программирование
  • в разделе: Программирование

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