
Performance Coaching For Dummies. Коучинг производительности для чайников [Gladeana Mcmahon, Averil Leimon]

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Performance Coaching For Dummies. Коучинг производительности для чайников [Gladeana Mcmahon, Averil Leimon]

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О книге:

Performance coaching is a modern and rapidly growing method used to assist development, and involves helping individuals to improve their performance in all areas of their life, with a particular emphasis on the workplace. Performance coaching draws parallels with NLP and often focuses on the psychology of excellence – making what’s good even better, and helping individuals keep ahead of the game. On an organisational level it can include helping managers to consider how to get the best from their staff, peers and superiors, as well as helping to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A performance coach assists individuals in building on their successes and helps to design, plan and instigate successful business/life strategies. Despite its popularity confusion still surrounds coaching. It is a relatively new area and there is still a lack of understanding about how best to use coaching and in what specific situations it will be most effective. In addition to this, anyone can assume a performance/professional/business/life coach title without holding any particular qualification or registration. With this increased awareness and confusion the need for a no-nonsense book on the topic that offers trusted advice is needed all the more, which is where Performance Coaching For Dummies steps in.

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