
Прагматичная психология: Практические инструменты для того, чтобы быть безумно счастливым! Часть 2 из 2 [Сюзанна Миттермайер]

Цена: 160 РУБ
Организатор: Vlad_1234
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Прагматичная психология: Практические инструменты для того, чтобы быть безумно счастливым! Часть 2 из 2 [Сюзанна Миттермайер]

Ссылка на картинку
Practical tools for being crazy happy. Everyone has at least one 'crazy' person in their life, right (even if it's ourselves!)? And there are a lot of labels and diagnoses out there - depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, bi-polar, schizophrenia...What if there was a different possibility with mental illness - and what if change and happiness were a totally available reality? Susanna is a clinical psychologist with an amazing capacity to facilitate what this reality often defines as crazy from a totally different point of view - one of possibility and ease. What if everything is the opposite of what it appears to be? What if you could employ and enjoy your insanity (and that of the people around you?) and create more ease for you and others - if you had the tools to change this reality's point of view about mental illness, would you use them?
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