
[Runningyarn] Wild Angelica Socks

Цена: 50 РУБ
Организатор: Rokki
Список участников складчины:
  • 1. Alenshik
  • #1

[Runningyarn] Wild Angelica Socks

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The “Wild Angelica Socks” are inspired by frosted Wild Angelica flowers I discovered on a forest walk alongside a small marshland. Some days later I was astonished to find many parallels to Nordic patterns in a second hand book about old cross stitch patterns from Swiss Alpine valleys. An embroidered flower motif, which resembles a figure used in Norwegian knitting patterns, inspired me to design these socks.
The Wild Angelica Socks are worked from the cuff down with a reinforced heel flap heel and gusset decreases, wich are placed on the sole. One Wild Angelica leaf is placed on the wedge, that is formed this way. You can use two colours only or add contrasting cuffs, heels and toes
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