
Sugarcraft Flower Arranging [Alan Dunn]

Цена: 150 РУБ
Организатор: Stromden
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Sugarcraft Flower Arranging [Alan Dunn]

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Everyone has seen wedding, birthday, and anniversary cakes decorated with sugar flowers. But Alan Dunn carries this familiar craft to a degree of artistic perfection that's breathtaking. Now he shares his secrets, providing home bakers with instructions for making the botanically accurate floral designs that have made him a world leader in his field. With plans for modeling 40 different species of flowers and plants, from golden gardenias to the blue butterfly bush, plus sprays and arrangements-along with plans for 14 cakes-this is the last word in the magical art of sugarcraft.
This is another high quality Alan Dunn book of instructions on making sugarart (or for that matter, cold porcelain) flowers and foliage. Instructions include, roses, Begonia, spider crystanthemums, pitcher plants, poppy seed heads, lily-of-the-valley, stephanotis, gardenias, succulents, various orchids, ginger lillies, cosmos, anemones, hydrangea, rangoon creepers, blue butterfly bush, wire vine and winterberry to name a few. Dunn takes this book a step further with some great instructions on sprays and arrangements, including crescents and some more contemporary type arrangements.
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