
[symfonycasts] Symfony 7 Fundamentals: Services, Config & Environments

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Организатор: Robot
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[symfonycasts] Symfony 7 Fundamentals: Services, Config & Environments

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This course is in the planning stages

Learn how Symfony *really* works, then solve any problem.
Time to unlock your full Symfony 7 potential: to be able to take on any task, because you understand how things work under the hood. This tutorial is all about jumping from "I can do some stuff with Symfony" to "I can do anything, just point me at the task and I'll figure it out!".
That's because we attack what's at the core of Symfony: services, config, environments & environment variables.

These are the tools you'll need to take on any challenge with Symfony:
  • Hello bundles! Bundles give you services
  • Installing new bundles
  • Finding and using services (including debug:container)
  • Configuring bundles (i.e. configuring services)
  • Autowiring & binding custom arguments
  • The #[Autowire] attribute
  • Symfony Environments
  • Service parameters
  • Environment Variables and .env
  • Autoconfiguration
By the end, yea! You'll understand the fundamentals behind how any part of Symfony works. Need to use a new feature? You'll be ready!

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Похожие складчины
  • в разделе: Программирование
  • в разделе: Программирование
  • в разделе: Программирование
  • в разделе: Программирование

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