
The Art of Prompt Engineering with chatGPT: A Hands-On Guide [Nathan Hunter]

Цена: 50 РУБ
Организатор: Николай1122
Список участников складчины:
  • 1. alux
  • 2. philipp27
  • 3. Tom888
  • 4. PrincessKitty
  • 5. vadim7ilin9
  • 6. Andrey777
  • #1

The Art of Prompt Engineering with chatGPT: A Hands-On Guide [Nathan Hunter]

Ссылка на картинку
Unlock the full potential of chatGPT with 'The Art of Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT: A Hands-On Guide'. This easy-to-follow book goes beyond the sound bytes of social media, providing you with the tools and techniques to use chatGPT on a deeper level.
Learn 4 core techniques and tools to write better prompts
Explore 9 in-depth use cases to understand how to apply these techniques and tools
Multiple exercises for each technique and tool to ensure you learn by doing

Beautiful illustrations throughout the book
Accessible language in a personal tone
Written by a senior trainer as a narrated instruction manual and guide

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