
[Udemy] LaTeX A-Z from beginner to advance in less than 3 hour [Nouman Azam]

Цена: 120 РУБ
Организатор: Robot
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[Udemy] LaTeX A-Z from beginner to advance in less than 3 hour [Nouman Azam]

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[Udemy] LaTeX A-Z from beginner to advance in less than 3 hour (Nouman Azam)
This course illustrate the essential components required
to create a professional quality documents with the LaTeX. LaTeX is frequently used to write thesis, reports, scientific papers for journals, conferences and making presentations. The essential beauty of LaTeX is that it separates the task of document layout/visual representation from that of the contents of the documents. As a result you pay more attention to the actual contents and are not distracted by the visual appearence. It also automates many of the tedious processes involved in writing a professional publications such as managment of references, visual layout and formatting styles.
With LaTeX, you will find easy and effective management of references, figures, tables, footnotes, formatting, mathematical equations, algorithms, scientific proofs, that have no match compared to the the conventional document setting and word processing software.
The course is design in a way that it will introduce you to tools that are freely available online. The examples and other instructional material are included for you to download and practice.
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