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[Workbook] TED Talks. 30 воркбуков

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TED Talks
Уровень B1-B2

Что будет ?
30 воркбуков по основным темам ЕГЭ и ОГЭ
3 варианта воркбуков - с ответами, без ответов, для печати
Видео к каждому воркбуку с субтитрами и без

В каждом воркбуке:
Интерактивные поля и элементы
Красочное оформление
40-150 новых слов и устойчивых выражений
Задания на отработку всех навыков речевой деятельности

1. Shopping. How China is changing the future of shopping.
2. Online shopping. The joy of shopping and how to recapture it online.
3. Household chores. How to do laundry when you're depressed.
4. Travelling. The Value of Travel.
5. Travelling. Life is Short, Travel Now.
6. Technology. Technology, The best or worst thing for education.
7. Mobile phones. Cell Phone Addiction.
8. Technology. Will technology shape our future or will we.
9. Family problems. Alone, Together: How Technology Separates Us.
10. Jobs. What will future jobs look like?
11. Jobs. What is your dream job?
12. Career. Career Change: The Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Now.
13. Holidays and celebrations. How Culture Drives Behaviours.
14. Holidays and celebrations. Why I celebrate New Year on September 1st.
15. Holidays and celebrations. Learn a new culture.
16. Art. Why art is important?
17. Photography. What makes photography art?
18. Health. Why it's so hard to make healthy decisions.
19. Health. How to make healthy eating unbelievably easy.
20. Education. The Future of Education.
21. Education. What makes a student excited to learn?
22. Learning languages. The secrets of learning a new language .
23. Ecological problems. How We Can Make the World a Better Place by 2030.
24. Nature. Beyond the Science: Environmental Problems.
25. Life in the city. Transforming Cities: AI for a Human-Centered Future.
26. Life in the village. It Takes Villages.
27. Sport. The real importance of sports.
28. Sport. Why People Love Watching Sports.
29. Friends. The Beauty of Friendship.
30. Family. Understanding The Real Generational Gap.
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